Welcome to FlatTrackRadio.com
This is the newest place to get updates on Motorsports events that are done on a flat (or nearly flat) track. Beginning with Flat Track Motorcycle Racing, we’re going to start right here and build from the ground up.
We are based in New England and travel to many locations across the northeast and nation. Over the coming days, months and years, we will be attending numerous tracks, clubs and events, including AFT, that encompass this love of flat track racing.
We personally know lots of local and regional riders, ranging in age from 4 to 85, that are learning and continuously improving their skills. Just about all of these riders absolutely live this sport and we look forward to talking with them and bringing you their stories.
Many of these young riders are working their way up to possibly become regional experts or professional riders competing at a national level.
At events and tracks, many of the young riders get to hang out with the advanced and professional riders that go to events and give back to the racing community. At the tracks and events that we have already been to, the more skilled riders always pass their knowledge to the next generation.
Do you know someone who would like to report on their local race track events? Have an idea for a track to feature? Know contacts at your local track? Click Contact Us on the menu above and let us know.
Our new and updated Event Calendar is live.
Listen to our latest Interviews from the menus above!